Create Your Own Blog - Lesson 1

blogger training

Hy friends, I am your instructor and today am going to share that how to create a blog in just 30 minutes. As you know blogging or web designing is a trending hobby or passion right now. Every brand, company, organization and high profile personals use website or blog to keep their fans, clients or viewers up-to-date. So, it is going to be very much beneficial for you. All it needs is a little effort, passion and 30 minutes.

So, lets take a start.
First of all we will overview the things that we will be learning today.
Here is the list:

  • Creating Blog
  • Uploading Template
  • Basic Customization
  • How to Write a Post

We will create our blog using blogger platform. There are many reasons why I choose blogger. It's good to explain here.

  1. It is supported by Google.
  2. It is easy to use even for begginers.
  3. Google adsense can be easily used, integreated.
  4. (Make sure during recent months google suspended many adsense accounts ads of which were hosted on wordpress blogs or html blogs. Blogger blogs instead were declared safe.)
  5. Free of cost. (No hidden charges)
  6. Life time access. (It will be free forever)
  7. Can be used with Gmail.
  8. Post from anywhere. (Using Gmail)
  9. Grow your audience. (Automatically share on G+)
  10. Now we will go on to create a blog.

1.Creating Blog

First of all sign in to gmail and open (If you don't have a gmail account you can create it for free)

Signup to blogger.

After signing navigate to "New Blog" in the left sidebar.

A window will appear like this:

creating blog - giving name

In the title section add the title of your blog.

In the adress section enter the title of your blog without space and check if it is available or not. If not available than try another.

After you are done click on "Create Blog".

Congratulations you have . successfully created your first basic blog.

2.Uploading Template

Go to your dashbord and in the left side menu click on template.

mobile theme - template

Click on mobile gear and select "Yes. Show mobile template on mobile devices."

After that on the same page click on "Choose Mobile Template" and select custom. Save these settings.

mobile version

Now click on "Backup/Restore" in the right upper corner. Click on choose file and navigate to the folder where your template is downloaded. Upload the template. 

Download Template

installing template

3.Basic Customization

Go to settings > Basic > Description  and add a suitable description.

Go to settings > Search Preferences >  Add discription there also (Optional)(If you enable discription you have to add discription for every individual post also, this is a little difficult sometimes but it helps a lot to index your blog properly in search reults)

Go to Settings > Others > Google Analytics (at the end) and add a analytic id code.(This is optional if you want to track your views, status, daily unique views etc.)

4. How to Write a Post

Click "New Post" in the top left menu.
In the "Post Title" space enter the title of your post.
In the body enter what you want to publish.
In the right menu click labels and add a suitable lable (for example: cooking, travelling, web designing, tutorials etc.) Actually lables serve as a category function in blogger.
Your post is ready to be published.

Thats all you have successfully created an awesome professional blog that can be used for every purpose. Wait for the next tutorial to get more tips. If you need any kind of help you can contact us without any hesitation. Use contact form or send message on our FB page.

The template we are using is premium but we are giving it to you for free.Just download it by clicking "Download Template" button given upper.

Create your own blog using blooger (blogspot) platform in 1 hour - Lesson 1